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let it beat

Your heart is crucial to your survival , so it is important to keep it healthy with a well balanced diet , exercise and needs a special care , avoid things that can damage it  like smoking , drug addiction and food which causes heart issues. Heart plays the most important role in human body , circulates blood throughout the body via the circulatory system , providing required nutrition , oxygen to the tissues and assisting in the removal of metabolic waste .
"The tissues of body needs a constant supply of Nutrition in order to be active."  
There occurs some diseases of heart in case we don't take care of our precious health...
Heart Failure 
Valvular heart disease
Congenital heart disease
Coronary artery disease
The most common heart disease occurs when LDL , or Bad cholesterol , builds up plaque in your heart arteries.
In US , there are round about 92.1 million people caught with some cardiovascular disease .

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