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Privacy Policy

Please read our privacy policy statement of Funamist.blogspot.com. If you have any queries or suggestions about privacy policy, please let me know.

Funamist.blogspot.com contains links to other sites. Please be aware that Funamist.blogspot.com. will not be resposible for the privacy policies of such kind of other sites. We ask our beloved users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy policy of every website that collects personal information.

Copyright info:
All pictures and photos on Funamist.blogspot.com promptly obtainable in numerous places on the web and believed to be publicly domain. pictures announce area unit believed to be announce among our rights in keeping with the U.S. Copyright Act (title seventeen, U.S. Code.)

If you suspect that any content showing on Funamist.blogspot.com infringes on your copyright, please allow us to recognize. E-Mail (abubakermehar761@gmail.com) and supply the subsequent info and also the infringing material are going to be removed as before long as doable.

(a) your name, address, number, and e-mail address;

(b) an outline of the proprietary work that you simply claim has been infringed;

(c) the precise universal resource locator or an outline of every place wherever alleged infringing material is located;

(d) an announcement by you that you simply have a decent religion belief that the controversial use has not been approved by you, your agent, or the law;

(e) your electronic or physical signature or the electronic or physical signature of the person approved to act on your behalf; and

(f) an announcement by you created below penalty of offense, that the data in your notice is correct, that you simply area unit the copyright owner or approved to act on the copyright owner’s behalf

Please additionally note that below Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act any individual WHO wittingly materially misrepresents that material or activity is infringing is also subject to liability.
We have started our blog almost 1 and a half year ago, so we can change our privacy policy according to our need and Google's rules and regulations.
We don't get the personal information of the user for any further use ,we have a blog of entertainment and fun for the people ,so we just write different articles and stories to amuse the people.
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