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Women are stronger than men

Are women really stronger than men ! Giving the same conditions ,diet and other formalities to a girl and a boy of same age what should be the results! It is found that women have more power to fight with the illness and diseases. According to biology a man is stronger by its physic but when we talk about will power ,women are much strong.

Following are some reasons why women are more tougher than man!

1. Stronger immune system:  Women have stronger immune system and they can fight with the disease in a better way than men,  estrogen naturally found in women bodies produces an enzyme that interferes with defense system, there for women see less likely to meet a doctor.

2. Good diet:  Generally women get good and healthy diet after puberty. That's why they have less chance of heart disease, diet plays a significant role in the human health , according to a research men are more attracted to the fast food than women, women mostly use fresh fruit juices and vegetables.

3.Blood disease:  Women have less chance of hemophilia, a disorder in the blood that prevents the blood from clotting , this disease is genetic and it is found on the X chromosome , women are not affected because both chromosomes should be affected while men have only one chromosome that's why this disease is mainly found in men.
The strongest prof that women are stronger than men is the age factor,  they die after their partner , the average gap is about 5 to 7 years in the world. women are also mentally stronger than men and they don't do the things which are risky and harmful.

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