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Best jokers of all time

 Following are considered the best jokers of all time.

 1. Jared Leto, Sucide squad
 2 . Jack Nicholson, “Batman” (1989)
 3 . Cesar Romero, “Batman” (1966)
 4. Mark Hamill, “Batman, The Animated Series”
 5.Heath Ledger, “The Dark Knight” (2008)

 1. Jared Leto, Sucide squad: Jord Leto born on December 16 1971. Leto live is Los Angeles California. He is a American singe actor and writer.He took his career in 1990 with a television program. In 2016 he performed a Dc comics supervillian joker role in Extended Universe film suicide squad. He got a academy award by performing a transgender role in the movie Dallas buyers club. he has done a number of movies as main roles and side roles . He also has some work in music industry. In Thirty seconds to mars he has written the songs and is the main vocalist. Leto has also done video direction.

2. Jack Nicholson: Jack Nicholson is an American actor and film maker and he has performed for more than 60 years. Nicholson has performed a wide range of starring and supporting roles. He is the most nominated male actor in the history of academy awards when he was nominated for 12th time and twice he has won the academy award. He lives in Los Angeles California. He performed the role of joker in Batman 1989 and was really appreciated.

3.Cesar Romero: Cesar was an American singer, actor , dancer and vocal artist, he was live on radio and television for more than 60 years.He was born in 1907 and dead in 1994. His performance in Latin lovers and Batman was really appreciated which push him towards the 60 nastiest villains of all time. The great joker was dead of bronchitis
4. Mark Hamill: Mark Hamil is an stage , screen and voice actor. he is known for Luke sky walker  star wars series and his voice over in animations and video games for Joker. The batman animated series was started in 1992. In Starun awards he got the best actor award for return of the jedi.

 5.Heath Ledger:  Heath Ledger was an Australian actor and Director he worked for Australian television and film industry till 1900 and then left to America for further his career development.
He performed a role of joker in The Dark knight. He also appeared in war drama 'The Patriot' He received the Best Actor International Award at the Australian Film Institute Awards in 2008.Heath was found dead on  22 January 2008 in his apartment in the Manhattan, it is said that Ledger was dead of over dosing of pills.Heath is the most famous Joker now a days , his quotes are published on social media and his performance is really appreciated. there is controversy over his will. he was so famous at that time that his death news became the top entertainment story by the US media and newspaper.

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