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The Lion King 2019

                     The Lion King:Simba's Pride

The lion king is again on the screens. The children and adults both are interested to watch fantastic graphics and cinematic effects of the movie. There are a lot of things which i analyze after watching this movie.There are few things which were not good enough but its bigger picture is enjoyed all over the world.

3D Effects: 3D effects used in the movie are one of the best things. I mostly used to see movie without 3D but The Lion King 3D effects forced me to see this again ad again.

Cinematic: Cinematic work of this movie is awesome.The Simba was seen as moving in my yard. Technology and VR made it possible to look this movie as natural as possible.

Story: The story moves around the life of a cub, whose father dies and is thrown away, Simba then backs and gets it thorn back. The story is not changed much.I think it was the copycat of the previous version. So here i was a bit disappointed that if story was not supposed to change why they made its sequel.
secondly events in the movie were passing very fast.

Overall i would give this movie 9 out 10 marks as far my observation. The movie is booming at the box office as till now it has collected more than $1 billion.

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