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Chronic Illness , Burning Issue of the World

Recently in Wuhan , city of China , an outbreak of Corona virus has caused global concern.Six cities of China have been quarantined because of the corona virus. This virus came from animals like Bat , snake and crocodile etc mostly eaten by Chinese and causes death ...More than 31000 cases have been reported worldwide .
The name of the Corona virus comes from the Latin word Corona meaning Crown or halo.Under the Microscope , image of the virus is reminiscent of a solar corona.
There are some other viruses like corona :
MERS found by Saudi scientists , a gene fragments of the deadly Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus in an effected camel , in a discovery that could suggests the disease maybe transmitted through air ...It is a serious respiratory illness  which has infected at least 850 people and 327 died due to it ...
SARS virus identified in 2003  named as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome , and is thought to be an animal virus perhaps cats but it spreads from person to person . An epidemic of SARS affected 26 countries and resulted in more than 8000 cases in 2003 in China.
After these viruses there introduced Corona virus and these all has no cure in laboratories yet.


  • Mild cough
  • Shortness of breath 
  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat 
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • It can lead to severe Pneumonia and even death...
Only 15 to 20 percent of cases have become severe due to weakened immune system.
Only 40 years old people have developed the Wuhan Corona Virus...
The incubation period of corona virus remains between 10 to 14 days...
Should i go to the doctor if i have cough?
If you caught by fever and you haven't traveled to China or been in contact with any effected patient then its normal , but if you are concerned about your health then According to NHS people should call 111 or visit to Doctor ....

Can Corona virus be prevented or vaccinated ?

  • There are currently no vaccines for this disease. 
  • Try to avoid from effected people .Wash hands often and after sneeze , do not touch your nose , mouth or eyes... 
  • Keep your throat wet , drink clean hot water . 
  • Use hand sanitizer  before eating food. 
  • Take rest and drink much fluid to keep your throat moist...

Chinese ambassador says :

      "China is the main engine driving the world's economic development . In 2008,when the financial crisis happened , the economic growth contribution from china reached about 30%. The corona virus outbreak has been declared an international public health emergency by the WHO. If the engine collapse , everybody will pay the price."
Computer modelling at several universities suggests that each new corona virus case is infecting on average about 2.5 other people and that official counting greatly underestimates the real number of infections .
Face masks are being used to avoid from the virus but Nathalie MacDermott says :
    "The surgical mask question is a controversial one , the evidence is limited and people have different opinions . Masks are beneficial at reducing the spread of aerosols from someone who is unwell and who is coughing and sneezing.  "

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