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My plate , My wins

                      "He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything."
Living a healthy life might seem like a tall order , exercise , nutrition , inner happiness , but having some friendly advice at your disposal , whenever and wherever you need it makes it easier and more fun...
There are some tips and tricks to make  you healthy and fit.
Water consumption is the easiest way to maintain your health , your skin beauty , regulate body temperature and helps in maintaining blood pressure. Water is known as to be the best and most natural hydrating liquid , it helps relieve headaches and keeps muscles and joints working , it cleans toxins from body...

Eggs contain 6 to 7 grams of protein.More than half of the protein of an egg is found in the egg white along with Vitamin B2. We can also use oats and milk for protein intake...

Vegetables and Fruits saves us from chronic disease , reduces our blood pressure. We should take a defined form of vegetables daily to get rid of the risk of cancer and cholesterol but these should be in raw form rather than cooked food...

salt is an ingredient which makes our body hold onto water. The conception of extra salt in our daily routine causes water stored in our body and higher blood pressure which can lead us to heart attack and Kidney Disease...

 Sugar is making you sick as long as you don't overdo it. More intake of sugar has been linked to increased risk of high blood pressure , high cholesterol and health diseases. Sugar is not connected to cancer cells as perceived by man... High sugar diets contribute to prolonged elevated blood sugar , insulin resistance and lepton resistance which are linked to weight gain. We should consume brown sugar instead...

We should avoid junk food , fried grilled or boiled food , sweets etc... Read food labels and stay away from items that have added excess Sodium and fat...
 Skimping on sleep causes bad health and in activeness...
Oils including olive oil are found to contribute to arterial damage and also the progression of heart disease. As processed food oil is virtually devoid of nutrients oils , slow blood flows and depressed the immune system stack up inside arteries and damage blood vessels... All oils promote heart disease ,but nuts, seeds, avocado, olive and vegetables oils help to reduce level of harmful cholesterol.
Greasy food might not be good for your body but it does wonders for the soul...

Exercise is the most important habit that improve our quality of life. It makes us fit but our thinking , learning and judgement skills sharpen as well. It reduces the risk of heart attack , helps our body to manage blood sugar and insulin levels. Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness...

Overweight Americans will not find the solution to obesity in the court room but in making wise choices to eat smaller proteins and healthy foods wherever they go...
                "Without health life is not life it is only a state of of languor and sufferings..."

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