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Security awareness from Hacking

Hacking is an attempt to exploit a computer system or a private network inside another computer.An unauthorized access to computer network security system for some purpose or personal satisfaction.
There are some categories of hackers:

White Hats :

These hackers use hacking for positive purpose , hacking their own system to make it more hack proof .

Black Hats:

Black hats also known as Crackers. They hack for their own benefit , for negative purpose. They took whole control on security system to get the unauthorized access to system and to destroy it. They also prevent the authorized user of security system to use the system. They do that by finding the weakness in the system and this needs more expertise and training.

Grey Hats:

They check the weakness in security system and inform the admin. They also use hacking for positive purpose and using enough computer language skills.

Now we will talk about the top 3 hackers in the world...

     1. Kevin Mitnick:

Kevin David Mitnick was convicted of hacking Nokia , Motorola and Pentagon . He pleaded guilty to seven counts of frauds that included wire fraud , computer fraud and of illegally interception a wire communication . Now he is an affluent entrepreneur security consultant . After 5 year prison sentence , now he runs Mitnick Security Consulting ,LLC .

     2. Jonathan James:

He is the young age hacker , known as Comrade ... He hack several commercial and government networks. He hacked into NASA's  network and downloaded source code assets equaling $1.7 million at the time , for the sake to learn how the space station works. James has been suspected and investigated in many cases of hacking of high profile companies but he denied and in 2008 he committed suicide , because he feel like he would be convicted for crimes he didn't commit.

    3. Gary McKinnon:

Gary is the largest military computer hacker of all the time.On internet he is known as Solo... In 2001 he got illegal access to 97 Armed forces and NASA computers... He use their information for searching of energy suppression but in actual he deleted files and there occurs $700000 loss.

   How to secure your computer system from hacking ? 

      1.Use a complex Password:

The more secure your password , the harder it is for a hacker to invade into your system . Password should be longer , at-least 8 characters long and complex , combination of numbers , upper and lower case letters and symbols. Don't use the combination that relates to you indirectly like Birthday date etc.

     2. Use a firewall:

Firewalls are used to prevent unauthorized access to your system and give you an alert if any intrusion attempts. Before going online on your new computer , first make sure that firewall is enabled successfully. In case of larger level business , you can buy an additional business network firewall.

     3. Backup your Computer:

If there occur any disaster or damaged or system has been hacked , you can regain your important information using that backup . You can also purchase an external backup hard drive , those have enough space for these utilities to operate properly.

But keep in mind that :

                        " No technology that's connected to the internet is un-hack-able. "

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