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My Horse

A wealthy man was trying to find his son a birthday surprise when he saw a poor person with a beautiful black horse.  He told the man that he would give him $1000 for the that beautiful black horse.
The poor man narrated, "I don't know man, it don't look so well," and go away.
The day after that wealthy man came back and offered the poor man $2000 for the horse.
The poor man said, "I don't know mister, it don't look so good."
On the third day the rich man offered the poor man $2000 for the horse, and said he would get that horse for any price.  The poor man committed , and the rich man took that black horse home.
The rich man's daughter loved her present.  She climbed onto the horse, then galloped right into a tree.
The father of the daughter went back to the poor man, asking an explanation for the horse's blindness.
The poor man said, "I told you... it don't look so good."
this story is not just a joke but a lesson for the rich people that they can buy anything but they cant buy the thinking of others!

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