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Top 3 Heaviest people in world

Why does it seem like when you're trying to lose weight, you feel even more insatiably hungry than normal?! If you're stahhhrrving all the time and want to eat everything in sight, you'll totally relate to these morsels of wit.
Usually obesity occurs due to overeating or it is an inherited disease transferred genes to genes...

There we will discuss the Top 3 heaviest people in the world ...

1-Brower Minnoch (September 29, 1941 – September 10, 1983) was an American man who, at his peak weight, was the heaviest human being ever recorded, weighing 1,400 lb (635 kilograms; 100 stone).
At the age of 12, Minnoch weighed 294 lb (133 kilograms; 21.0 stone), and by age 22 he was 6 ft 1 in (185 cm) in height and weighed 500 lb (230 kilograms; 36 stone).

2-Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari (born 28 February 1991) is a Saudi Arabian man who in August 2013 was found to be the heaviest living person and the second-heaviest person in recorded history at 610 kg (1,340 lb; 96 st), behind Jon Brower Minnoch. He also had a BMI of 204, the highest ever recorded. As a result of medical treatment, he lost a total of 320 kg (710 lb; 50 st)—more than half his body weight—in six months.

3-Manuel Uribe Garza (11 June 1965 – 26 May 2014) was a Mexican man who suffered from morbid obesity to one of the greatest extents known in recorded history. After reaching a peak weight of around 600 kg (1,300 lb) and having been unable to leave his bed since 2002, he lost approximately 230 kg (510 lb)—over one third of his body weight—with the help of doctors and nutritionists by February 2008. However, he died in his hometown on 26 May 2014 weighing 394 kg (869 lb)

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