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How To Develop Your Sense of Humor

How To Develop Your Sense of Humor

"Comedy is the art of making people laugh without making them puke"

There are a lot of ways to develop sense of humor in yourself,but that should be natural , If you tell a joke which you have read somewhere would not affect so much but if you have sense of humor and you know how to make people laugh then you don't need to read jokes and funny stories your gestures and expressions are enough to make people laugh.

1. Learn to respond when someone else jokes:

 If someone is joking or telling you funny stuff but you don't respond to it ,that shows your lack of humor, so you have to develop it . When someone is laughing you have to laugh with him ,when someone is saying some double meaning world you have to extract the funny part from it, For this you should be a good observer ! but the question is how to be a good observer ?? we have a complete guide for this ,to learn please visit : http://funamist.blogspot.com/2017/10/what-are-habits-of-funny-people.html . Try to laugh when someone jokes , make him sure that you have understood his joke or fun.

2. Watch More Stand Up & Comedy shows:

Comedians are the most funniest people on the planet they know how to make people laugh, they know which punch is good,they know what kind of audience are sitting in front of them , they know how to observe audience, they know how to start and where to end ,they know the strategies they know the human psychology. So if you want to develop sense of humor ,you have to watch funny shows , comedy shows and stand ups. You have to do ,What comedians do!. The simplest way to adopt their accent and way of talking is to stand in front of mirror and say their most common lines in their voice ,Soon you would feel their soul in yourself and you would start joking in their style.

3.Joke kindly and carefully:

Joking and insulting are exactly two things ,when you are joking or making fun of someone, don't forget the values of that person ,every person has its self respect so when you do fun or make funny things don't pull their legs ,that is you have to joke kindly and carefully  If that person is older than you then step back ,he might consider your joke as their insult.So if you want to develop sense of humor you must have to learn that how to be kind and careful about people.

4. Joke with yourself:

The above point could be explained here ,that if you want to learn that how kindly and carefully you can joke ,you must have to apply those jokes on yourself ,if you feel funny and don't mind with those words ,then its OK with this ,you can also apply these on others. Similarly joking with yourself enhances your self confidence and you create a sense of listening others.

5. What Amuses You:

what amuses you is the best way to learn humor ,because what amuses you would obviously amuses others and that is the key point. If something don't amuses you,  leave that, step forward and select some more interesting and entertaining topic.

6. Think About Timing and Audience:

Every thing looks perfect at its perfect time if you have lost the correct time ,you have lost everything.To create sense of humor ,you must know your audience ,you should have a clear sense that what people think in different situations.

7. Try To See The Funny Side To Almost Everything:

As every picture has two sides, the funny people get the third side of it ,that is the funny side . As every thing posses its positive and negative impact ,it also has a funny aspect.If you want to be a funny guy then you should have ability to extract the funny side.

 8. If Someone Doesn’t Laugh, Don’t Give Up:

Your mentality don't match which every person on this planet ,what you think is funny might be a offensive thing .So don't give up, if someone don't laugh, try it again and improve your skills and sense of humor by doing the things mentioned above.One day your haters will like you ,they will laugh with you,They will enjoy your company and finally they will start loving you.

9.  Laugh More practice:

Laughter is the best thing God has gifted us .If you laugh.  you challenge your life to put more tensions and problems in your ways, because these are useless and could not stop me to laugh.so laugh more and more .If you are facing any difficulty ,laugh at this,  believe me! that issue would no longer be an issue for you and you would take it lightly .

so do practice of laughing,  you would obviously develop your sense of humor :)

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