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Are you ugly

 A few years ago in winters when the breeze was blowing there was a bus full of ugly people they were going to a trip , men and women were singing songs ,they were enjoying themselves ,suddenly the bus met after an accident all of them were died , there was nobody alive , before dying each got one wish so that if they had any regret in their past lives they can compensate or fulfill their wishes ,
the angel go to each person one by one, as all of them were ugly and to be ugly was their biggest regret so all of them ask the angel to make them beautiful , the angel was converting them beautiful and they were entering the heaven happily ! when the all people entered the heaven there was a man to whom angel was not arrived , when the angel asked him that what was his last wish , the man was laughing,  he thought for a while and wished the angel to make them all ugly again !
everyone SHOCKED

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