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How to be a funny guy

Life is short.smile while you still have teeth

1.Sense of Humor:
Sense of humor is the best quality to be a funny guy ,Sense of humor is natural and a person creates this by meeting the funny people. watching the funny serials,dramas and movies,reading funny novels and stories also create sense of humor in people.When we meet people ,friends and family members we are more likely to laugh and make fun , studies have shown that there are many times when a person laugh or make fun for example when u feel yourself superior and other person is dumber than you,you would laugh ,second when you feel relief after a great trouble and third when someone gives you surprise.A person can develop sense of humor if he is willing to do so.a person should be socially connected to learn jokes and fun from others ,Studies have shown that when a person is laughing and you also start laughing, this enhances your sense of humor,so develop your sense of humor and enjoy the party.

2.Be confidant:
 When a person is confident he can achieve anything ,someone says that confidence is the key to success so the same quote applies on humor. if you are confident on making jokes and stories, people will appreciate it, they will enjoy your company .if you are a funny guy from inside but you don't have confidence to speak loud and present your fun, then you get nothing. Confidence makes a man more comfortable to do funny things.Being confident is as important as to developing your sense of humor.If people don't laugh at your jokes don't take it so serious and try again if they still don't, then change your way and get those people who are funny or who enjoy your company because only those can enjoy the fun who have  sense of humor, but you must have to learn one thing that "when you have to be funny?" ,there are some situations where being funny can spoil your audience so choose the right time and the right people.

3.learn From comedians:
 few years ago I was watching a comedy show ,a comedian came and hold the mike, before saying something he changed his facial expressions in such a funny way that the audience start laughing ,So if you want to be a funny guy then select any one of the famous comedian and copy his style and gestures ,Copy his body language and way of talking style ,because body language and facial expressions affect more then your words.The easy way to copy a comedian is to stand in front of the mirror and try to utter the most funniest lines and punches of him ,try to move your hand as he do or make your voice pitch as high as he do, sometimes changing your accent abruptly can make people laugh.

if you are funny no one can hinder your success , but the thing is that you must have knowledge about the fun.  


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