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Health Benefits of Laughter

Health Benefits of Laughter

Laughter is a blessing of God ! Forget your tensions and misers and just laugh.Laughter has a lot of health benefits i have mentioned some of them. 

1. Lowers the blood pressure :

People who are the victims of high blood pressure can face stroke or heart attack.To avoid this ,doctors ask their patients to be happy and laugh many times a day ,the reason is,  when you laugh your cells ignited that cause good blood circulation which gives a constant level of blood pressure due to which ,heart attack avoids.

2. Improves your cardiac health :
Laughter can improve your cardiac health. As your teeth are showed to the world when you laugh ,similarly your heart also get light.The people who are injured and could not go for a walk or exercise can put a laughter on their faces because a belly laughter can burn as many calories as any hardcore exercise so be happy and protect your heart if you love this or  the person who lives with in.


3. Make a sense of well-being :
It is said that if u see the bright picture or positive aspect of anything you would be successful. The logic behind this is that you put a believe in that thing and God agrees to do your work.The best way to become positive or creating a sense of well being ,you must have to laugh at your life ,if you don't know how to laugh then learn this, It would delete the dark side of your life's picture and bring a new of yourself


4. Reduce stress:

 Stress is one of the big problems in this new world .Doctors and the psychologist ask their patient to live happy ,if their lives don't give them permission to be happy ,then pretend to be happy because a fake laughter can do the same thing as a real one can,So always try to be happy weather its hot or cold.When you laugh you reduce your stress and in this way you make your mind fresh and become mentally fit.


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