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Who is genius

In old days when science was getting in our lives and was completely changing our life styles some genius scientists took birth who make our lives more easy and luxurious, On Christmas scientist were play "unsightly and goal". It was Intellect's play the part to seek , after a while all the scientists went to hide except Newton. Newton was thinking to do something unique to win the game ,therefor he didn't hide himself rather He peerless drew a circle line of 1 cadence stretch and stood significant the size. Einstein through-and-through result and spotted Newton. He screamed, Yahoo !"I got the Newton" Newton smiled and tranquil replied,"No you are wrong I am Newton consideration inside parade-ground of 1 measure square; which makes me Newton per meter square, which equals to 'Pascal'" so,i am not Newton, I am Pascal.

                         A tribute to great scientists 

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