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5 Reasons Why girls Love To Date Funny Guys

  5 Reasons Why girls Love To Date Funny Guys

It is the most widely discussed topic that why women like funny guys ,Human mind always attracts to those things which posses fun and entertainment.According to a recent research in which women ages 20 to 53 were participated , 78 percent of women ranked a sense of humor as their number one quality must have in a man, beating out generosity,intelligence, confidence,passion,and other traits.

1.Entertain You:

A funny guy is always attractive to other girls, Humor is truly healing ,Laughter is healing.A funny guy never loses a chance to entertain his girls ,he always finds a way to make her bae feel happy and good.Whatever the situation is, a girl would feel comfortable in his company.A funny guy has stories and jokes and he can make you laugh and can relieve your stress and tensions.If you are feeling bore ,you can smile even recalling his jokes and funny things.Entertainment is the best trait of guys to attract girls,so if anyone wants a hot chick ,he must be a funny guy, if you are mot handsome enough and still wants a hottie then create a habit of doing funny things and develop sense of humor to be a attractive guy.

2.Very Observant:

Funny guys would always good observers they can observe your feelings ,thy can observe when you are in good mood and when you are off ,they will do those things that can make you smile and happy, They can observe others that how people feel for them , this quality of observing others and making his bae feel surprise can fall that girl in love.They would feel good in your friend circle ,he would not feel hesitate if your friends visits you, rather he would welcome them and treat them in a gentle way.

3.Bring Smile To Your Face:

If you are a fed up of something ,if you are tired with your daily routine work or business,you see nothing special but you have a funny guy, then there is no problem indeed , he will solve your each and every problem. he would put a smile on your face by doing funny things , he would also create fun in bed ,his cuddling and kisses will not just amuse you rather you will have fun with him.

4.Treat Good With Children:

Treating your children after marriage is the biggest challenge for the parents, judging the Psyche and then treating them according to that specific observation is the best quality that is found in funny people, They can make their children happy , children can make your life more entertaining  if you have learned them how to live and survive.If children are happy ,their mom will obviously happy and that is what you want.

5.Teach How To Deal With Problems:

A funny guy never loses hope ,he always finds the ways to tackle with the issues and problems.if you have some problem and feeling hard but you have a funny guy , u can solve those problems by arguing with him , he would not just give you solutions about that rather he would tell you that every problem has a solution and nothing is bigger than your passion.

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